Your Trusted Partner in Healthcare

Welcome to Elixir Pharma, your trusted source for high-quality medicines. As a leading Libyan importer and distributor, we are dedicated to ensuring access to affordable healthcare. With a global network of suppliers, we take pride in our commitment to quality, integrity, and patient well-being. Join us in our mission to make a positive impact on lives through accessible and innovative healthcare solutions.

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Our Mission and Vision

At Elixir Pharma, our mission is clear and resolute: to improve the lives of patients by providing access to high-quality, affordable medicines. We recognize the crucial role that healthcare plays in fostering well-being, and we are devoted to ensuring that individuals across Libya have access to the treatments they need for a healthy life.

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Global Reach, Local Impact

Elixir Pharma, established in 2018, extends its influence across borders, boasting a robust global network of suppliers and customers. As a Libyan medicine importer and distributor, our reach is expansive, yet our impact is deeply rooted in the local communities we serve. By combining a global perspective with a local touch, we aim to make a lasting and positive difference in the healthcare landscape of Libya.

At Elixir Pharma, our commitment to excellence is grounded in our core values, shaping every facet of our operations

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Elixir Pharma is unwavering in its dedication to distributing only the highest-quality medicines under optimal conditions. Our pursuit of quality ensures that patients receive treatments that meet rigorous standards, fostering trust and confidence.



Integrity is the cornerstone of our operations. We conduct business with unwavering honesty, fairness, and transparency. This commitment ensures ethical practices and reinforces the trust placed in us by healthcare professionals, partners, and communities.



In our quest to address the unique needs of Libyan patients, we are continually identifying and providing innovative medicines. Elixir Pharma embraces a culture of innovation, driving progress in healthcare solutions for better patient outcomes.


Patient Focus

At Elixir Pharma, the needs and satisfaction of patients are our top priority. We go beyond delivering medicines; we ensure that our products and services contribute to enhancing the overall well-being and quality of life for those we serve.



Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. We actively seek partnerships with healthcare professionals, suppliers, and communities to create a united front in advancing healthcare accessibility and quality.


Continuous Improvement

Elixir Pharma is committed to continuous improvement. We regularly evaluate and refine our processes to adapt to the evolving healthcare landscape, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of delivering exceptional healthcare solutions

Nurturing Health, Empowering Lives

+218 91 029 0202

Abou Salim Tripoly